Paint jokes

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What do Painters and Prostitutes have in common? They’re both paid for a good finish…

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What do Michaelangelo and Hitler have in common?

They both used their brain to paint the ceiling

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What do Michelangelo and Kurt Cobain have in common?

They both used their brains to paint the ceiling.

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How many babies does it take to paint a wall

Depends how hatd you throw them

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A guy meets a sex worker in a bar. She says, ‘This is your lucky night. I’ve got a special game for you. I’ll do absolutely anything you want for?300 as long as you can say it in three words.’ The guy replies, ‘Hey, why not?’ He pulls his wallet out of his pocket and lays? 300 on the bar, and says slowly. ‘Paint…my….house.’

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What does it take to paint a wall red?

Kurt Cobain and his shotgun.

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Hi guys I’m back! So I have a question for u. What is red aND smells like blue paint type in comments what u came up with

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As I’m lying down on the table for a radiation treatment, a small angel lands on one shoulder, a tiny devil on the other shoulder. And then the mind game begins:

Angel: This won’t last long. You are perfectly lined up. The treatment only lasts a few mins. Remember, stay absolutely still.

Devil: Did she just twitch?

A: No. She didn’t twitch.


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R u a toaster? cuz i wanna take a bath wit u r u a knife? cuz u make me wanna kms r u a painting? cuz i hang u r u the flu? cuz u make me wanna hurl r u a newspaper? cuz u have new problems everyday r u the ground? cuz im six feet deep in u ;)

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How fast did Little Sally paint the barn red? As soon as the bomb exploded on her.

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